En aquest blog teniu una petita mostra del que fem les classes d'anglès de Cal Músic durant el curs.

Esperem que us agradi.

dimecres, 5 de febrer del 2020

Who is who? (3rd grade)

We have been practising grammar playing the game "Who is who?".
First, we have decided which questions can we use: Is it a man? or Is it a woman?. If it is a woman, we have to face down the cards with men on it.
Then, we can make the questions related to the physical appearance like Has he / she got a moustache? or  Has he /she got curly hair?.
Later, questions related to things we wear, such as Is he /she wearing glasses? 
At the end, they were able to guess the caracter from the opposite group.
Meanwhile they were playing, they were practising grammar too!!

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